Hazardous Materials Management
Hazardous Materials Management
UCCS utilizes many hazardous materials across the campus for a variety of purposes including but not limited to teaching, research, maintenance and routine operations. The Hazardous Materials Management Program is intended to provide guidance for the proper use, handling and storage practices and procedures to be followed by people working with hazardous materials anywhere on UCCS property in order to assist in protecting them from potential health and physical hazards presented by hazardous materials present in the workplace, and to keep chemical exposures below specified limits
Within the Hazardous Material Program there are also specific guidelines for groups of hazardous materials and/or their use locations..
For purposes of this program hazardous materials is defined as any item or agent (biological, chemical, or radiological), which has the potential to cause harm to humans, animals, or the environment, either by itself or through interaction with other factors.