Use of Haze or Open Flame

Use of Haze or Open Flame

To request use of Haze - please complete the Haze or Open Flame Use Form

For more information, please visit Standard Operating Procedure for Fogs-Smoke-Dust at UCCS

For more information, please visit Candle Usage

Haze Use Guidelines

  1. In no event should smoke detection be bypassed without prior approval/coordination with the UCCS Campus Fire Marshal.
  2. When creating smoke or fog effects, Producer(s) will utilize the minimum concentration necessary to achieve the desired effect.
  3. Producers will deliver the fog only where and when needed
  4. When smoke or fog effects are created, the stage shall be periodically ventilated or exhausted, vertically and laterally, or all personnel and animals shall be given a break away from the stage at appropriate intervals.
  5. Planning must include the proper volume of smoke or fog and ensuring that exit aisles and doors are kept visually clear
  6. When smoke or fog effects are utilized, all equipment manufacturer’s instructions will be followed.
  7. When smoke or fog effects are scheduled to be created, prior notification as to use and type shall be given to all personnel.
  8. If fog or smoke is to be used in a production, warnings should be posted at the front of house or entrance doors to the theater as well as in a program, if distributed. Example: "WARNING: Synthetic fog is used during this performance.” 
  9. If you see a slippery area developing where the smoke or haze is being produced let your stage manager know right away.
  10. If you experience an adverse reaction leave the stage and go to a well ventilated area for fresh air.  Notify your stage manager and obtain first aid.