Simulated Weapon Waiver
Simulated Weapons Waiver Instructions
The information contained in this document is a guide to assist you in requesting a waiver for the use, demonstration, or display of weapons or simulated weapons in conjunction with your special event on the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS). The possession of weapons on campus is prohibited by Policy 14-i of the Regents of the University of Colorado, except when prior written approval of the campus’ Chief of Police has been obtained. To review the complete Regent’s policy regarding weapons on campus, go to https://www.cu.edu/regents/Policies/Policy14I.htm.
As used in the context of this document, the term “weapon” applies to any item, which in the manner it is used or intended to be used is capable of producing, or causing in persons the fear of, bodily injury or death. Examples of such items include but are not limited to: simulated knives or other bladed items (e.g., swords, sabers, spears); striking devices (e.g., bludgeons, clubs, canes, wooden swords, nunchakus); and replicas or likenesses of such devices.
*If your event is requesting the use of a prop firearm or simulated gun of any kind, you are required to attach a picture of the prop firearm to your request. For all other types of simulated weapons, attaching a picture of the simulated weapon(s) is requested.
You must submit your weapons waiver at least two weeks prior notice to your event for proper review.
To request use of a simulated weapon - please complete this Simulated Weapon Request Form.
If you have questions please contact
Deputy Chief Clay Garner
UCCS Police Department
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Or by email: cgarner@uccs.edu
Simulated Weapon Guidelines
- That the weapons will only be used/brandished within the location specified in the request.
- That the weapons that will be used during the permitted event are the only weapons that will be brought onto campus in association with this event.
- While on campus the weapons must be either secured, i.e., locked in an automobile trunk, locker or another space than cannot be accessed or viewed by the public or;
- During any period of time that the weapons are unsecured they must be attended by the person designated to use them, or by an associate assigned responsibility for maintaining security regarding them.
- When moved about campus, e.g., to and from cars to the event location; the weapons should be placed in a carrying case or similar item that hides them from public view.
- The members of your event management group will coordinate the posting of signage at the event advising attendees and passersby that your event uses simulated weapons only.
- While standing by and in possession of weapons, participants in the event should be sensitive to the impacts that the brandishing of weapons can have upon members of the public, and not engage in behaviors that might reasonably be expected to create al
- No less than one hour prior to your event’s start, you or someone from your organization must place a call to the UCCS Police Department’s dispatch center advising them of your pending demonstration, its location, and the approximate time it is schedul
- You will also provide our dispatch center with the number of a cellular phone that will be in the possession of an event manager during the course of the event, to support our ability to contact a responsible person for the activity should the need ari
- Events with Weapons Waivers will require approved Police oversight.