Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA)

Working with the Technology Transfer Office

Research involving biological agents and/or hazardous materials can sometimes also involve transfer of the physical material and/or intellectual property between various entities.  UCCS's Office of Sponsored Research can assist you with issues related to intellectual property (IP); patents/ licensing/copyrights/ trademarks for discoveries/inventions/educational materials and software; start-up company development; materials or tissue transfer agreements.  

Per UCCS Policy 100-011 only identified individuals may sign these agreements.

Policy 100-011:

The 100-011 signature matrix:

MTA sample templates are available on the CU Technology Transfer Office Website

  • UBMTA: Document created by the NIH which simplifies the transfer of materials to other academic institutions already authorized to sign UBMTAs. CU is able to sign UBMTA's without any additional negotiation.
  • Academic MTA: CU template to transfer materials to or from other academic institutions. Reasonable intellectual property terms with a focus on academic collaboration.
  • Commercial MTA: Transfers material to or from a company.

For help transferring materials,  send an email to