Body Protection

Body Protection

Hazards that affect the entire body can include temperature extremes, chemical exposure, radioactive materials, arc flash, infectious materials, sparks or flames, falls and sharp objects. A variety of protective clothing, including laboratory coats, long pants, rubber aprons, coveralls, and disposable body suits are available for specific work conditions, including the following:

  • Rubber, neoprene, and plastic clothing protect employees from most acids and chemical splashes.
  • Laboratory coats, coveralls, and disposable body suits protect employees and everyday clothing from contamination by chemicals, biological materials, dirt and grime, etc.
  • Welding aprons provide protection from sparks.
  • High Visibility clothing enhances a person's visibility, reducing the chance of being hit or run over.
  • Leg protection is available for lawn care and while using chainsaws.
  • Cut-resistant clothing can be worn when around sharp objects such as kitchen knives or blades.
  • Full body suits, cooling vests, and rain gear are a few examples of weather and extreme temperature protection

Guidance for Proper Use

  • Ensure clothing fits each user properly
  • Launder reusable protective clothing separate from other clothing
  • Store PPE in well-ventilated, clean, dry and out of direct sunlight
  • Decontaminate PPE as necessary
  • Inspect PPE before useBody Protection Gear