

Training Resources Available Through Environmental Health and Safety

Environmental Health and Safety provides a wide range of safety training options to help ensure your safety and health in the workplace. This page details the online and in-person training courses available to UCCS students, employees and persons-of-interest. These training courses are offered to meet numerous regulations and/or as a resource to encourage health and safety for all University community members.

Please note: Volunteers, non-paid interns, and other non-employee lab members are required to take all the necessary training that regular university employees must take. If you do not have access to Canvas, please contact for alternatives.

Environmental Health & Safety Available Training Courses


Training on the hazards (chemical, physical, etc.) they will encounter in the work area.  Training on proper waste management within the laboratory.  There are a variety of trainings offered focused on the different environments:

  • Initial Lab Safety
  • Refresher for PIs & Researchers
  • Refresher for TA's & Instructors
  • Anatomy and Physiology Lab


Who Should Attend

All university employees, students and Person of Interest (POIs) who operate within a physical laboratory in which they may encounter hazardous materials or equipment.  This training applies to paid and unpaid (volunteers) conducting activities in the labs.


Training Frequency

Initially and annually thereafter.


Length of Course

2 hours


Training Provided

Provided by in person (August of each year) or online in Canvas at any time.


More Information


Training on working with biological hazards in a clinical or laboratory environment.  Training on proper biological waste management.  There are various trainings available depending upon the type of clinical or laboratory operations being under taken:

  • Biosafety
  • Blood borne pathogens
  • Biosafety Cabinet
  • Shipping Biological Materials
  • Recombinant DNA
  • Animal Biosafety


Who Should Attend

All university employees, students and Person of Interest (POIs) who who may encounter biological hazard in either a laboratory or clinical environment..  This training applies to paid and unpaid (volunteers) conducting activities in the labs.


Training Frequency

Initially and every 3 years.


Length of Course

1 hour


Training Provided

Provided online in Canvas at any time.


Biological Safety Training Links




This course is designed to provide employees with general awareness training for compliance with 49 CFR 172 - shipping of Hazardous Materials..


Who Should Attend

Individuals on campus who ship hazardous materials including dry ice and biological samples


Training Frequency

Initial and every 3 years


Length of Course

1 1/2 to 2 hours


Training Provided

Please contact EHS  (719.255.3212 or discuss your shipping needs so we can help to determine the appropriate level of training that you may require.


This is a series of brief videos developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) that introduce definitions and aspects of Export Controls that are commonly encountered in academic settings.


Who Should Attend

Any UCCS student or staff member involved in research who desires to have a better understanding of Dual Use of Research Chemicals and Export Control.


Training Frequency

none specified


Length of Course

Each video runs, on average, for approximately 5 minutes.


Training Provided

DURC-Export Control Training Videos


This training will include information about how to recognize the symptoms of anaphylactic reactions and how to utilize and Epi Auto-Injector.


Who Should Attend

Any UCCS student, staff or faculty member on the UCCS campus


Training Frequency

Initial and every 3 years


Length of Course

30 minutes


Training Provided

Training is only available online in Canvas. EPI Pen


This course is designed to enable employees to identify the different classes of fires and to know what to do in case of a fire. This class includes hands-on use of an extinguisher in fighting a small fire.



  • OSHA Fire Protection 1910.157 (portable fire extinguishers)
  • Introduction to fire protection
  • Fire hazards
  • Preparing for fire emergency action
  • The ingredients of a fire
  • Classes of fires
  • Fire extinguishers types and uses


Who Should Attend

All University employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study, working in UCCS buildings or work areas.


Training Frequency

Initial (may be repeated annually)

Length of Course

1 1/2 to 2 hours, depending on audience size and questions


Training Provided

EHS provides this training. Call (719) 255-3201 or email to request more information or to sign up for this training


This training will include information about waste identification, container labeling, and waste storage. This training shall also include emergency procedures, emergency system, and a review of the hazardous materials regulatory requirements set forth by EPA, OSHA and CDPHE. This training is also included in the Lab Safety Training.


Who Should Attend

All university employees, students and Person of Interest (POIs) who generate  hazardous waste.


Training Frequency

Initially and annually thereafter.


Length of Course

1 hours


Training Provided

Online in Canvas.


Employers are required to provide training on hazard communication as well as other topics based on the employee's potential for exposure. Students who are engaged in clinicals and/or un-paid internships are often left out of these trainings.  EHS has attempted to provide a broad overview of hazard communication and blood borne pathogen training for students engaged in clinicals and/or un-paid internships.


Additional Resources


Who Should Attend

Students or staff who are involved in providing clinical healthcare


Training Frequency

Initial and every 3 years


Length of Course

1 1/2 to 2 hours


Training Provided

The courses you need to take are:


A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is the breaking down of a job into its component steps and then evaluating each step, looking for hazards. Each hazard is then corrected or a method of worker protection (safe practice or PPE) is identified. Additional requirements for worker training, certification, authorization, etc., may also be identified for the process or job. The final product is a written document….a standard of safe operation for a particular job. A Job Hazard Analysis is one component of the university’s commitment to employee safety and health.


Additional Resources


Who Should Attend

Students or staff who would like to learn to evaluate the hazards associated with any process or operation of a specific piece of equipment


Training Frequency

Initial and every 3 years


Length of Course

1 1/2 to 2 hours


Training Provided

Training can be provided in person or online in Canvas


Benefits of Job Hazard Analysis


Provides basic overview of laser safety, signage, guarding and precautions to be utilized with lasers.


Who Should Attend

All university employees, students and Person of Interest (POIs) who who utilize lasers on campus.  This training applies to paid and unpaid (volunteers) conducting activities in the labs.


Training Frequency

Initially and every 3 years.


Length of Course

1 hour


Training Provided

Provided online in Canvas at any time. - Laser Safety 

EHS provides a variety of safety trainings specific to various equipment and/or work environments

Occupational Safety List

A variety of online videos which cover various laboratory safety topics.

List of EHS online videos


This training will include information about waste identification, container labeling, and waste storage. This training shall also include emergency procedures, emergency system, and a review of the hazardous materials regulatory requirements set forth by EPA, OSHA and CDPHE.

Your instructor will have set a deadline for you to have completed this training. After that deadline, you will not be able to utilize the photo lab in Columbine until you complete this training.


Who Should Attend

Any UCCS student or staff member utilizing the on-campus dark rooms.


Training Frequency



Length of Course

30 minutes


Training Provided

Photo Lab Safety


This training will include information about safe use, storage and general management of chemicals related to pool operations. This training shall also include emergency procedures, emergency system, and a review of the hazardous materials regulatory requirements set forth by EPA, OSHA and CDPHE.


Who Should Attend

Any UCCS student or staff member involved in pool operations on the UCCS campus


Training Frequency

Initial and every 3 years


Length of Course

1 1/2 to 2 hours


Training Provided

Training is only available online in Canvas. Pool Safety

EHS can work with your organization to develop environmental, health & safety training which is appropriate to your operations. If you are interested in discussing your training needs with an EHS representative - call 255-3212 or email.

In addition, the SkillSoft - CU Learning Center training system also offers on-line training for individuals who may want to learn more about a specific topic.


SkillSoft - CU Learning Center

To access EHS courses on SkillSoft:

  1. Logon to the MyUCCS Portal
  2. Click on "Skillsoft"
  3. Click the specific campus you want to review training for. The technical information in many of these courses are good although the specific operational pieces may vary from campus to campus.
  4. If you know the name of the training you would like, utilize the search bar at the top.
  5. For generic training - select "Library" in the upper left hand corner
  6. Under Skillport - select "Compliance"
  7. Select the "Environmental Health & Safety" Folder
  8. Select the appropriate course from the list provided or use the search button to look for specific topic
  9. You must complete and submit the quiz to receive credit for the course.
  10. This will take you to generic courses developed to address a wide range of topics - pick "Health & Safety" or "Environmental"