Emergency Communications

Emergency Communications

Having the right information when you need it most during an emergency can be critical. Whether you get your information via news media, social media, text alerts, or a paid subscription service, we encourage you to have multiple avenues for receiving emergency communications in case any one of them fails. Below are a few resources to help you do just that, BE INFORMED.

UCCSAlerts - Emergency Notification System

The campus Emergency Notification System, known as UCCSAlerts, can utilize text message, email, web site banners, voice calls, social media, and select digital signage. All uccs.edu email accounts are registered to receive alerts, and students' contact numbers entered in the MyUCCS Portal can be used to text alerts unless they opt out during class registration. Additional mobile numbers (i.e. - parents or spouses), non-uccs email addresses, and all staff, faculty, and affiliate information should be entered via UCCSAlerts. Registration is free, and more information about the system can be found at alerts.uccs.edu. For concerns or questions regarding UCCSAlerts, contact Emergency Management at 719-255-3106, or via email at eprepare@uccs.edu

Off-Campus Reverse 911 Notifications

UCCSAlerts is only used for emergencies on, or very near and impacting, campus. For those living or working off campus, we recommend you also sign up to receive reverse 911 notifications from the city/county as well. To register for notifications from the city/county, visit elpasoteller911.org

Social Media

Social media can be a great tool for staying informed, especially when it is paired with other resources, but make sure you look to trusted sources for your information!

On The Web

During an emergency, or campus closure, information will be posted on the banner of the UCCS home page at www.uccs.edu.


How To Report An On-Campus Emergency

All emergencies (e.g., fires, bomb threats, personnel injuries, criminal activity, etc.) must be reported immediately to the University Police Dispatcher (719-255-3111) who will then call for appropriate response and outside assistance.

  • When reporting an emergency by phone, give the dispatcher:
    • Your name
    • Your department
    • The extension number you are calling from
    • Your exact location
  • Report the emergency as clearly and accurately as possible. Remember, in any situation, it is important to remain calm.
  • The Dispatcher may need additional information. Stay on the line; do not hang up unless otherwise directed. When the Dispatcher has all the necessary information, the Dispatcher will either ask you to hang up or will end the call.
  • If the emergency is fire related:
    • Describe the equipment or space(s) involved.
    • Mention whether there is smoke or flames, and their extent.
    • Describe the approximate size of the area affected.
    • Notification takes priority over fire fighting - do not fight the fire until you have finished your call to the Dispatcher, or if another individual is making the call.
    • Only attempt to extinguish a fire if you have been trained on how to do so and when your personal safety is not in jeopardy.

Last reviewed: 01/18/2023