Personal Preparedness
Your Role in Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness takes place at many levels. From the Federal, State, County, City, Tribal, and all the way down to our campus community, efforts are made to prevent, plan for, mitigate, and potentially recover from a disaster. The reality, however, is that emergencies and their outcomes often take place at a very personal level. They can affect us at home, at work, in the classrooms, or during our travels. We each have a responsibility to play a role in emergency preparedness and response, and to be able to take care of ourselves, our families, friends, co-workers, and classmate until more advanced assistance becomes available. In other words, emergency preparedness and response starts with YOU!
- BE INFORMED - Sign up for UCCSAlerts (campus emergency notifications system), Reverse 911 Notifications for our city/county, follow key social media accounts like @UCCS_Prepared and UCCS Emergency Management, and tune into local media and National Weather Service Pueblo to know what is going on around you.
Visit ReadyColorado.com and Ready.gov for more information on how to get started. Each site has some great resources to help you along the way. Our Department of Public Safety is always available to help answer questions and provide resources specific to our campus community as well. Have questions or concerns? Give us a call at 255.3106, or drop us an email at eprepare@uccs.edu, and we will be happy to help!