Lab Registration Program

Lab Registration Program

Each distinctive laboratory (academic instruction, non-academic (i.e. R&D laboratory) shall complete a Laboratory Registration Form. The Departmental CHO may complete one registration form for all academic labs within their department if the hazards present in the various labs are fundamentally the same. Otherwise they may group labs together on registration forms (e.g. chemistry lab, biology lab, anatomy & physiology lab). The Laboratory Registration Program serves several purposes:

  • it provides emergency contact information so that in the event of a power outage or other system failure appropriate individuals can be notified so research is not lost or compromised;
  • it provides emergency contact information that is readily available to emergency responders in case an emergency requires that we contact a person knowledgeable of the operations in the laboratory; and,
  • it provides EHS with accurate information regarding the operations of the lab so that we can ensure that UCCS is providing a safe work/learning environment for our faculty, staff and students.

The completed forms are submitted to EHS for review. Based upon the hazards identified on the form, EHS may recommend that the laboratory needs to establish additional safety protocols such as a Laser Safety Plan. EHS will review the registration form with the PI in an effort to verify that appropriate engineering controls, standard operating procedures, personal protective equipment and emergency equipment are in place to provide a safe work environment for the individuals working in the specified Laboratory.

Each semester EHS will send a request to PIs and departmental CHOs to verify/update the personnel roster. On an annual basis, EHS will send out a verification copy to the PI or departmental CHO, who can then update any changes and/or verify that nothing has changed. This will assist in having accurate, up-to-date information.