Lab Safety Manual
Lab Safety Manual
The purpose of this manual is to describe the proper use and handling practices and procedures to be followed by people working with hazardous chemicals and/or physical hazards in UCCS laboratories to protect them from potential health and physical hazards presented by chemicals or physical hazards used in the workplace, and to keep chemical exposures below specified limits. It is based on the recommendations of the National Research Council in their publication, "Prudent Practices in the Laboratory - Handling and Disposal of Chemicals".
It is intended to fulfill the requirements of the following regulations:
- Chemical Hygiene Plan - 29 CFR 1910.1450 "Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories"
It is intended to be used in conjunction with other UCCS documents:
Compliance with the HMMP is expected for all laboratory operations. The HMMP addresses the following:
- Glossary of Hazardous Materials Terms
- Classification of Hazardous Materials
- Toxicity and Hazard Exposure
- Handling and Storage of Hazardous Materials
- Biosafety Management Plan
- Hazardous Materials Requiring Prior Approval
The HMMP also addresses topics such as:
- Labeling requirements
- Safety Data Sheets
- Hazardous Materials Inventory
- Storage requirements including limits
- Handling requirements
- Hazardous material procurement
- Shipping and receiving hazardous materials
Listed below are the links to the various portions of the Lab Safety Manual.
- A - Laboratory Registration Form
- A-1 - Laboratory Registration Personnel Update Form
- B - Laboratory Specific Safety Plan (LSSP) Template
- C - PI Responsibilities
- D -Setting Up a Lab
- E - Laboratory Sign Template
- F - Hazard Control Assessment Guide
- G - Fume Hood
- H - Laboratory Inspection Form Feb 2017
- I - Laboratory Employee Safety Training Checklist
- J - Safety Training Log
- K - Safety Training Log by Person
- L - OJT Safety Training
- M - Protocol-Equipment Training
- N - SOP Template
- O - Laboratory Decommissioning Form
- P - Decontamination Statement