Volunteers and Minors
Minors in Laboratory Research and Teaching
Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed in University laboratories where hazardous materials are present or hazardous activities take place except under the following circumstances:
- The minor is employed by the University or has been formally accepted as a volunteer worker; and
- has been trained in safe laboratory procedures; and
- has adult supervision at all times; and
- has a parental hazard-acknowledgement form on file with the host department; or
- The minor is enrolled in a University class with a laboratory component; or
- The minor is participating in a University-sponsored program; and
- has been trained in safe laboratory procedures; and
- has adult supervision at all times; and
- has a parental hazard-acknowledgement form on file with the host department.
- Tours involving minors may occur provided that all unnecessary experiments and procedures must be stopped and the laboratory or area be made safe for the duration of the tour or visit.
- Under no circumstances shall infants, toddlers, or children too young to understand safety training be permitted in UCCS laboratories except as research study participants with the signed consent of a parent or legal guardian.
- In all circumstances the minor must have a completed Consent for Minors in Labs NIH Format on file prior to entering the laboratory. https://www.cu.edu/risk/services/volunteer-trainee-and-minor-participants
Volunteers in Laboratory Research and Teaching
University volunteers are individuals who are uncompensated by the University of Colorado Colorado Springs and who perform services directly related to the business of the University to support the research, teaching or public service activities of the University or to gain experience in specific endeavors. Volunteer workers are permitted to perform research and teaching activities at the UCCS provided the following requirements are met:
- Faculty Members or Principal Investigators must notify and receive documented approval from the Chair of the Department or Director of the Program.
- The volunteer worker must attend all applicable safety training sessions prior to commencing to working in the laboratory
- The volunteer worker is under the supervision of a faculty member in the laboratory or area where the work will occur.
- The volunteer worker must use all required personal protective equipment. Each college, school, department, division or unit should make available to each volunteer required to wear personal protective equipment the devices appropriate for the activity and hazards involved. The volunteer may be required to purchase certain individualized items of personal protective equipment.
- The volunteer worker must be monitored and supervised by a knowledgeable and experienced adult employee until the principal investigator is comfortable that the volunteer can work independently. They must not work alone while performing hazardous operations or while working with hazardous materials.
- The volunteer must follow all Departmental and University safety procedures and policies.
- The volunteer must sign and submit an Authorized Volunteer Agreement, Notice of Risk, and Waiver of Responsibility https://www.cu.edu/risk/services/volunteer-trainee-and-minor-participants
- Refer to Use of Volunteers Guidelines for any additional guidance https://www.cu.edu/risk/services/volunteer-trainee-and-minor-participants