Physical Safety Programs

Physical Safety Programs

The University of Colorado Colorado Springs is dedicated to the safety of its students, staff, faculty and visitors. There are many physical hazards on campus that have the potential to cause an injury if they are not identified and mitigated. Below are some common focuses of physical safety on campus as well as references to more information on each topic.

If you or your department would like training on any of these topics, please review the Occupational Safety Training page and contact EHS at x3212.

*Resources from outside sources are provided for informational purposes only. Publication does not in any way endorse a particular company or product or affect current UCCS policies and procedures.


All accidents, incidents, injuries and near misses should be reported to either Risk Management or EHS. The intent of a safety program is to be proactive, but it is also important to learn from each incident to ensure it does not happen again. Even if worker's compensation is not needed, you can still fill out a claim to report the injury.

If there was no injury or the injury does not fall under Worker's Comp, please complete the Accident - Near Miss Reporting Form

Worker's Comp Claim

If you are injured at work, you should file a Worker's Comp claim online. You must file an online worker's compensation claim form within 4 days of the injury or exposure.

Go to the University Risk Management website, Workers' Compensation | University of Colorado (, to complete and submit the claim form.  If you have questions, contact University Risk Management - Jamie Duvall at (719) 255-3525.

Employees will be free from any reprisals for reporting accidents. These reports lead to corrective actions and suggestions regarding possible improvements that reduce the chance of the incident happening to someone else and improve overall safety in the workplace.

UCCS has adopted the OSHA 1910.1030 Bloodborne Pathogen Standard to protect workers who may be exposed to blood from microorganisms that can cause disease in humans. Such pathogens include the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS.

 Since exposure to blood could potentially be fatal, the standard covers student, staff and faculty who may be reasonably anticipated to come into contact with human blood and other potentially infectious materials in order to perform their jobs. "Good Samaritan" acts such as assisting a co-worker who has a nosebleed would not be covered   Workers at risk who may be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials may include:

Worker GroupTraining
Physicians, Nurses and Medical Technologists including students during practicalsCovered in coursework or as part of on-going professional certifications
Research laboratory scientists including student workers and volunteersOn-line training provided by EH&S
Fitness Center Employees and LifeguardsCovered in First Aid/CPR training
Some Maintenance and Custodial staffAnnual training provided by EH&S; also available online in Skillsoft through your UCCS portal or online in canvas
Law Enforcement staffCovered in First Aid/CPR training

For questions concerning the Campus Bloodborne Pathogen program, contact EHS at 719-255-3212

Working outdoors in the winter has high risk for injury and illness. It is important to know the risks and the early warning signs before working outside. Please review the toolbox talks attached below prior to performing work outside in the winter.

Heat Stress Prevention

Cold Weather UCCS Toolbox

OSHA Winter Weather

Confined spaces are very apparent on campus and can be very dangerous if the hazards are not mitigated before entering. A confined space is one that has limited means of entry and exit, it large enough to work inside, and is not meant for continuous occupancy. If a space meets all three of those requirements, it must also meet one of the following to be a permit-required confined space.

  • Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere (i.e., toxic, explosive, or asphyxiating).
  • Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.
  • Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly converging walls or by a floor which tapers to a smaller cross section.
  • Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.

 If you work in a space that is defined as a permit-required confined space, you must read the UCCS Confined Space Program and be properly trained on how to safely enter these spaces.

UCCS Confined Space Program

UCCS Confined Space Inventory

UCCS Confined Space Permit

While the pandemic has eased COVID 19 is still with us.  You can review campus resource information regarding cleaning, disinfecting, etc. here.

There are many forms of transportation on campus. Although employees are certified to drive cars through their driver's license, there can be some safety concerns with driving alternative vehicles including box trucks, golf carts, utility trucks, lawn equipment, etc.  

If your department needs specialized training for driving a certain piece of equipment, please reach out to EHS at x3212

CDOT Safety

OSHA Safe Backing Up

Safe Driving Tips

Distracted Driving Information

There are many electrical hazards on campus, even in office spaces. The links below are documents to help ensure you are keeping yourself safe and protecting the building from fire.

Extension Cord Safety

Ergonomics is the scientific study of people at work. The goal of ergonomics is to reduce stress and eliminate injuries and disorders associated with the overuse of muscles, bad posture, and repeated tasks. This is accomplished by designing tasks, work spaces, controls, displays, tools, lighting, and equipment to fit the employee´s physical capabilities and limitations.

The way we work and play has changed drastically over the last twenty years. Sedentary office work and use of computers, Internet, phones, etc. has definitely changed our work processes. Our "down time" and how we play has also changed, and we often spend additional non-work time on the computer surfing the Internet or texting friends. While this technology has done a lot to make our lives easier, it has also created new hazards. Physical symptoms of repetitive motion may include dry eyes, sore necks, backs, arms and hands. By focusing on basic ergonomic awareness and techniques, you can prevent discomfort.

Ergonomic issues can also be related to heavy lifting and other repetitive manual labor. There are different types of technology available to limit the amount of lifting one employee has to do. If you have a very repetitive job or have tasks that require repetitive motions, be cautious of the effects that can have on your body.

Please take time to review the ergonomic information below.

Office Ergonomics

Laboratory Ergonomics

Ergotips for Posture

Computer Stretches

Healthy Workstation Guidelines

General Guidelines for Office Ergonomics

Stretches and Exercises you can do at your desk

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health- Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders

OSHA Ergonomic

If you have questions or concerns relating to ergonomics, contact EH&S at x3212

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort from your work environment, reach out to Risk Management (x3525) or EHS (x3212) for an evaluation.

Fall protection is required for unprotected platform above 4 feet. This can include roof edges, work platforms, scaffolding, ladders, and other unprotected edges. Fall protection can come in many forms. Guard rails, fall restraint, fall arrest, and safety nets are all accepted practices for fall protection in the workplace.  The type used will vary on the situation and task at hand.

When using personal fall protection, including fall arrest and restraint, it is crucial that all equipment be inspected prior to use. For guidance on inspection, utilize the fall protection inspection checklist linked below.

Fall Protection Inspection Checklist

Hot Work includes any activities that produce flames, sparks, or heat including welding, brazing, grinding, and sawing that have the potential to cause a fire, fire alarm activation, smoke or burning odors. If these activities are performed inside, it requires the use of a Hot Work Permit. Please contact EHS at x3201 at least 24 hours in advance of the work to obtain a permit. 

Hot Work Information

Indoor air quality (IAQ) problems can result from many causes. While mold growth has received considerable attention, it is not the only cause of indoor air quality concerns.

Read our IAQ Guide to understand more about indoor air quality concerns.

Reporting Instructions

If you have an IAQ complaint, but do not have related health symptoms, call the Facilities Management (FMP) Service Desk at (719) 255-3313 and report the problem.

If you have an IAQ complaint and suffer related health symptoms, call Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at  (719) 255-3212 or email and report the problem.

If you believe you are suffering from indoor air quality related health issues in your work area you may also contact Risk Management (x3525).

Report all water intrusion events IMMEDIATELY to the FMP Service Desk. To the extent known, include information on the source and approximate quantity, affected areas, water-damaged materials, and whether the source has been controlled. Clean water left for more than 24-48 hours can lead to mold growth.

Events involving sewage backflows are very serious. Report the problem IMMEDIATELY to FMP and do not attempt to clean or remove affected materials. FMP will manage the response.

Caution: Electrical shock hazard may exist during water/sewage releases.

Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is an important safety tool to implement in the workplace. There are many hazards out there that cannot be identified and mitigated through other safety programs. It is for this reason that specific JHAs must be performed for various tasks and jobs in which hazards have not been previously identified.

JHA Training Information

Various ladders have different hazards. Using a step stool is very different from using an extension ladder and therefore it is important employees know the hazards of each of the tools they are working with.

American Ladder Institute

OSHA Portable Ladder Safety

OSHA Construction Ladder Regulations

A-Frame Ladder Safety

Extension Ladder Safety

Lasers are known to cause injuries, including burns and eye damage. It is important that all class III and IV lasers on campus be approved by EHS and users trained on proper use.

If you will be using lasers in your work at UCCS, contact EHS. Most lasers used at UCCS will require registration. Obtain the laser classification from the manufacturer before registering. Lasers with a specific energy range or specification may fit the description of a particular classification, but you should still refer to the manufacturer who is obligated to classify the laser. Indicate modifications and the configuration to be used to properly classify.

When preparing to set up a laboratory where lasers will be used, post the appropriate signage for the laser hazard (refer to laser classification for guidance on proper signage) (may depend on configuration) and make certain that lab personnel are provided with appropriate training and eye protection.

For more information refer to the OSHA Technical Guidance document laser section regarding Laser Hazards.

Laser Safety Training - This course offered in Canvas is designed to provide awareness of the fundamentals of hazards and controls for laser systems.

Lockout Tagout is an essential practice when performing maintenance on equipment. The control of all hazardous energy is necessary in order to keep employees safe. 

In general, LOTO must be utilized during all service and maintenance activities including: constructing, installing, adjusting, modifying, lubricating, cleaning, and adjusting or changing tools. Examples of equipment/machines that may be encountered at UCCS that are subject to LOTO include, but are not limited to: gas, water and steam lines; HVAC equipment; kitchen equipment such as slicers, mixers, dishwashers, trash compactors, and garbage disposals; woodworking and metalworking machines; laboratory equipment such as centrifuges, autoclaves and high powered lasers; conveyors; hydraulic lifts; elevators, etc. 

If lockout tagout is a program that is required for your area of work or research, please read the UCCS Lockout Tagout Program and contact EHS at x3212 for training.

UCCS Lockout Tagout Program

Machine shops are a high risk environment, no matter how much experience or training you have. It is important to always follow safety precautions and understand the specific piece of equipment you are working with. Each individual machine shop on campus may have it's own rules so make sure you are aware of any special requirements before working on the equipment. There also may be additional signage and guidance provided by a shop manager that must be followed.

Hand Tool Safety

Bench Grinders

3D Printing

Manually lifting heavy equipment is an occupational hazards for almost all employees. There are techniques and equipment that can be used to reduce or completely eliminate the risk of strain on the back.  Use the links below to understand more about lifting in the workplace.

A job hazard analysis is a great tool to use when evaluating manual lifting tasks, their risks, and solutions. Contact EHS at x3212 for more guidance and information.

Avoiding Strain While Lifting

Quick Tips for Safe Lifting

There is a variety of power tools used on campus and it is important everyone using them knows how to use them safely.

OSHA's Guide to Power Tools

Slip, trip, and fall hazards are present everywhere and can cause severe injury. While on campus, be mindful of obstacles in your path, spills on the ground, and ice and snow.

Slips and Trip Information