Job Hazard Analysis Training

Job Hazard Analysis Training

A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is the breaking down of a job into its component steps and then evaluating each step, looking for hazards. Each hazard is then corrected or a method of worker protection (safe practice or PPE) is identified. Additional requirements for worker training, certification, authorization, etc., may also be identified for the process or job. The final product is a written document….a standard of safe operation for a particular job. A Job Hazard Analysis is one component of the university’s commitment to employee safety and health.

Training can be provided in person or online in Canvas

After you review the course material you will need to complete the online quiz. Upon successful completion of the quiz (70% or higher), you will need to screen shot your score and provide a copy to your supervisor (digital copies are fine).

If you have any questions or if you do not have a UCCS Canvas account, please contact Cindy Norton x 3212

Job Hazard Analysis

  • Set performance standards
  • Standardize operations based on acceptable safe practices and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Provides a form of training documentation regarding the employee’s knowledge of the job requirements
  • Comply with OSHA requirements
  • Reduces injuries
  • Reduces absenteeism
  • Increases productivity
  • Increases morale
  • Protects employees
  • Assists in standard-specific compliance (e.g., personal protective equipment [PPE], Hazard Communication, etc…..)
  • Jobs with the highest injury or illness rates;
  • Jobs with the potential to cause severe or disabling injuries or illness, even if there is no history of previous accidents;
  • Jobs in which one simple human error could lead to a severe accident or injury;
  • Jobs that are new to your operation or have undergone changes in processes and procedures; and
  • Jobs complex enough to require written instructions.