Occupational Safety Training
Occupational Safety Training
EHS is able to provide a variety of trainings specific to the hazards present in the work environment. You can browse the list of trainings available below. However, if the type of training or hazard is not listed, please contact Cindy Norton (cnorton@uccs.edu) for assistance in developing the appropriate training.
There are also many safety related trainings available in Skillsoft within your UCCS portal.
This course provides tips and trips for protecting your body while lifting heavy objects. It introduces different stretches and various proper lifting techniques that can be used for all types of items.
Who Should Attend
All university employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study who manually lift heavy objects
Training Frequency
As requested. Call EHS at x3212 to schedule a course.
Length of Course
1 hour
Training Provided
Classroom or online (Skillsoft)
This course provides employees with information and training on precautions with dealing with blood, infectious materials and other biohazards. Employees are informed of the need and requirement to comply with state and federal regulations, as well as with University Safety program.
Who Should Attend
All university employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study who provide first aid services, work with or have the potential to contact human blood, body fluids, or tissues.
Training Frequency
Length of Course
1-2 hours
Training Provided
Online (Canvas)
This course provides employees with information and University requirements on environmental, health and safety issues. Employees are informed of the need and requirements to comply with state and federal regulations related to hazardous materials in the workplace, as well as with University EH&S programs. At a minimum it includes an overview of safety data sheets and emergency safety instruction. It also includes a section on environmental considerations for waste disposal /hazardous waste awareness. The class includes the OSHA requirements for the University Hazardous Communication Program.
Who Should Attend
All university employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study who handle chemicals.
Training Frequency
Initially on assignment and annually thereafter. Additional training will be provided for new equipment, chemicals, or hazards in an area.
Length of Course
2 hours
Training Provided
Classroom or online (Canvas)
This course is designed to inform employees of the general procedures to be used for working in confined spaces.
Who Should Attend
All university employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study who must work in or enter confined spaces as a part of their duties.
Training Frequency
Initially before entering a space and annually thereafter. Retraining will also be provided if there is a change in the process or procedures.
Length of Course
1.5-2 hours
Training Provided
Classroom or online (Canvas)
This training provides the knowledge and skills necessary for utilizing fall protection in the workplace. It includes inspection requirements, proper fit and use, how to setup a fall arrest and fall restraint system, and goes in depth on each piece of equipment.
Who Should Attend
All university employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study who utilize fall protection or work on unprotected elevated surfaces.
Training Frequency
Initially and as needed
Length of Course
2 hours
Training Provided
The training provides the necessary skills for operating a forklift. It covers the different parts of a forklift, how to operate, rules associated with operation, and hands-on training on a forklift. The training concludes with an evaluation of skills while operating a lift.
Who Should Attend
All university employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study that operates a forklift, including modified tractors/loaders to lift, stack or move heavy loads.
Training Frequency
Initially and every 3 years.
Length of Course
8 hours initially and 1 hour for retraining
Training Provided
Provided by Facilities or an outside vendor. Contact EHS at x3212 to schedule a training.
This course is designed to identify noisy environments, provide employees with how to properly wear hearing protection, and review the hearing conservation program. Usually, this training can be given in conjunction with the PPE training, however it can also be separated for any employee who only falls under the hearing conservation program and no other PPE is needed for their job.
Who Should Attend
Any employee who works in a loud environment or is part of the UCCS Hearing Conservation Program.
Training Frequency
Length of Course
30 minutes
Training Provided
Classroom or online (Skillsoft)
This course is designed to be an overview of what heat stress is, how to prevent it, and what to do if an employee suffers from heat stress.
Who Should Attend
All University employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study, working outside or without air conditioning in the summer months
Training Frequency
Length of Course
20 minutes
Training Provided
This course provides employees with a basic overview of the hot work program and the requirements associated with it. This includes any activity that creates sparks or produces a significant amount of heat including, but not limited to, grinding, welding, cutting, etc.
Who Should Attend
All University employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study, who perform hot work activities on campus.
Training Frequency
Length of Course
20 minutes
Training Provided
This course is designed to inform employees of the general procedures and hazards associated with using ladders.
Who Should Attend
All University employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study, who uses a ladder.
Training Frequency
Length of Course
20 minutes
Training Provided
Classroom or online (Skillsoft)
This course is designed to inform affected and authorized employees of the procedures to be used in the lockout/tagout process to ensure safety and protection during repair and maintenance of equipment. Employees will receive instructions in proper lockout/tagout procedures, the use of locks and tags, proper removal of lockout/ tagout devices and potential hazards involved in the lockout/tagout process.
Who Should Attend
Employees who operate or use a machine or equipment on which servicing or maintenance is being performed, or whose job requires him/her to work in an area in which such serving or maintenance is being performed. Employees who lock-out or tag-out machines or equipment to perform servicing or maintenance.
Training Frequency
Length of Course
1-2 hours
Training Provided
Classroom or online (Canvas)
This course provides a basic overview of machine guarding and it's importance. This course reviews different types of machine guarding, hazards associated with various machines, and the connection between lockout tagout and machine guarding.
Who Should Attend
Employees who operate or use a machine or equipment that requires machine guarding. Employees who lock-out or tag-out machines or equipment to perform servicing or maintenance should also attend this training.
Training Frequency
Length of Course
20 minutes
Training Provided
This is directed at ergonomics in the office environment. It provides a brief look at the science of fitting jobs to people and cover typical office symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).
Who Should Attend
Any employee who is having ergonomic issues with desk work or who wants tips on working safely.
Training Frequency
As requested. Call EHS at x3212 to schedule a course.
Length of Course
30 minutes
Training Provided
In person or online (Skillsoft)
This course provides employees with general information and University requirements on the PPE policy. Affected UCCS employee should attend the UCCS EHS Chemical Safety before attending this class. This class typically covers use of protection for eyes, hands, body protection but may be include hearing protection, hard hats, or specific protective equipment.
Who Should Attend
This includes all affected University employees, including full-time, part-time, and work study.
Training Frequency
Length of Course
1-1.5 hours
Training Provided
The purpose of this training is to provide employees with general information on respirator use, as well as the hazards and limitations.
Who Should Attend
Any employee who wears a respirator.
Training Frequency
Length of Course
30 minutes
Training Provided
This course provides employees with basic awareness about slip, trip and fall hazards on campus. It also provides tips and guidance on how to avoid slips, trips, and falls.
Who Should Attend
All employees
Training Frequency
Length of Course
30 minutes
Training Provided
To access EHS courses on SkillSoft:
- Logon to the MyUCCS Portal
- Click on "Skillsoft"
- Click the specific campus you want to review training for. The technical information in many of these courses are good although the specific operational pieces may vary from campus to campus.
- If you know the name of the training you would like, utilize the search bar at the top.
- For generic training - select "Library" in the upper left hand corner
- Under Skillport - select "Compliance"
- Select the "Environmental Health & Safety" Folder
- Select the appropriate course from the list provided or use the search button to look for specific topic
- You must complete and submit the quiz to receive credit for the course.
- This will take you to generic courses developed to address a wide range of topics - pick "Health & Safety" or "Environmental"