Don't forget about export controls when doing international shipments.
Recent times where things went wrong
Department of Commerce Fines Princeton University $54,000 (pdf) for shipping internationally various strains and recombinants of animal pathogens from the United States to various overseas research institutions without the required export licenses.
The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) is responsible for reviewing all University research and teaching activities involving the use of biohazards, recombinant DNA molecules, select agents, or bloodborne pathogens whether the activities are carried out on campus or off campus (usually under other Institutional Biosafety Committees).
The IBC will review and authorize for 3 years, research involving: human pathogens; human blood, body fluids, or tissues; animal pathogens; plant pathogens; biological toxins; infected animals or tissues (including field work), recombinant DNA, or Select Agents & Toxins. Most biological research requires IBC authorization prior to initiation.
In addition the IBC provides oversight for biological agents which might fall under the Dual Use Research of Concern.
All questions and inquiries can be made at James Kovacs ( or Cynthia Norton ( at 719-255-3212.
IBC Application
When to Use
Required for all IBC applications
Revision Date
December 2022
IBC Application (MS word document)
Attachment II-A Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules
When to Use
- Use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules (e.g., Use of GFP inserts)
- GeneTherapy/Vaccine Experiment/Use of Human Research Participant
Revision Date
Oct 2020
IBC Attachment II-A (MS word document)
Attachment II-B Biohazardous Agents and Toxins
When to Use
- Use of biohazardous agents and Toxins (except those listed below)>
- Use of infected or potentially infected cell lines , tissue or bodily fluids (except those listed below), primary cells>
- Use of animal cell lines, infected or potentially infected tissue or bodily fluids
Those items not requiring use of this form
- Use of human blood or blood products like serum, plasma or cell preparation or other bodily fluids (i.e. urine) which are not known or anticipated to be infected
Revision Date
July 2017
IBC Attachment II-B (MS word document)
Attachment II-C Plants
When to Use
Use of transgenic and/or pathogenic plants
Revision Date
Oct 2020
Attachement II-C (MS Word Document)
Attachment II - Worksheet 1 - Recombinant DNA Experiments Questionnaire
When to Use
Use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules (e.g., Use of GFP inserts)
Revision Date
April 2024
IBC Attachment II Worksheet 1 (MS word document)
Attachment II - Worksheet 2 - Animal Experiment Questionnaire
When to Use
If your research involves animals and use of recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules (e.g., Use of GFP inserts) or
If your research involves of CDC/USDA Select Agents/Toxins and use of laboratory animal subjects with Biological Agents/Cells/Materials
Revision Date
Oct 2020
IBC Attachment II Worksheet 2 (MS word document)
Biosafety Application Addendum Form
When to Use
The Addendum form can be used for less significant updates, such as those involving changes in personnel, or locations.
Revision Date
Oct 2020
IBC Biosafety Application Addendum Form (MS word document)
IBC Biosafety Annual Update Form
When to Use
Annual confirmation of continued research and personnel updates
Revision Date
Oct 2020
IBC Biosafety Annual Update Form (MS word document)
Biosafety Resources
All Principal Investigators, staff and students involved in Biosafety related activities are required to be trained - go here to find out more
Select Agents
Guidance Document for Select Agents
Biosafety in Microbiological & Biomedical Labs - 6th Edition
WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual (2020)
NIH Basis for Classification of Biohazards Agents by Risk Group
NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (April 2024)
Biosafety Considerations for Research with Lentiviral Vectors
Animal Experiments Under the NIH Guidelines
NIH Major Actions FAQs- April 2019
NIH Incident Reporting Template
Compliance Note - Guide to NIH Guidelines
Biosafety Considerations for Contained Research Involving Gene Drive Modified Organisms